Our Mission
Since 1906, the mission of the Auburn Chamber of Commerce has been to support Gold Rush Prosperity, Business Opportunity and Community in beautiful Auburn, California. We proactively work to provide bottom-line benefits to our members.

Benefits of Joining The Chamber
Participate in the chamber’s shop local program, Think Auburn First.
Our website directs customers to your business. Post an event, Hot Deal, buy a banner ad, submit an attractive listing or job opening on the chamber’s website.
Purchase discounted advertising in the Auburn Journal and KAHI radio.
Schedule a Ribbon Cutting.
Be a recognized sponsor at the Membership Celebration Dinner, State of Community Dinner, 4th of July and Festival of Lights parades and Leadership Auburn.
Promote an event on the Chamber’s Facebook page.
Network and listen to interesting speakers at the chamber’s monthly Power Lunch and Evening Mixer.
Host or attend and network at the chamber’s Evening Mixer.
Display your business cards and brochures at the chamber office.