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Business Meeting




Running a business or a non-profit is noble and hard. Too often, various levels of government impose unnecessary costs on businesses and nonprofits that outweigh benefits to the public.  The Auburn Chamber of Commerce steps in to be a strong voice for businesses and nonprofits at the local, state and federal levels.  The Government Affairs/Economic Development Team makes recommendations to the Chamber's Board of Directors to take a position on a specific issue or to endorse specific candidates for local office.

Our Areas of Advocacy

Auburn Airport

Opposed proposed land uses that encroach and threaten the future operation of the Auburn Municipal Airport and the adjoining business park.

Economic Development

Support the City of Auburn hiring an Economic Development Director.

Catastrophic Fire Prevention and Healthy Forests

Supported H.R. 2647, "The Resilient Federal Forests Act" to give public, private and community partners more effective tools to better manage public lands pre-fire and post-fire to physically protect firefighters and the public and to boost the local economy.

Dewitt Center Master Plan

Supported turning surplus property at the Dewitt Center into the North Auburn Innovation Center to support start-up businesses and high tech education.

Water Supply

Supported H.R. 1668 (McClintock) and the temporary suspension of water releases from dam facilities during drought conditions.

Supported H.R. 1060 (LaMalfa) to speed up the construction of the Sites Reservoir.

Public Safety

Supported an ordinance by the Placer County Board of Supervisors that would ban outdoor cultivation, indoor commercial cultivation, dispensaries, distribution, processing and delivery.

Small Business Regulations

Supported AB 19 (Chang) of 2015 to lower regulatory burden on small businesses.

Supported H.R. 427, "The Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act," to lower the regulatory burden on small businesses.

Small Business and Non-Profit Costs

Opposed an increase in the minimum wage via SB 3 (Leno) of 2015. Opposed an increase in commercial and industrial property taxes via SCA 5 (Hancock/Mitchell).

Opposed a continuation until 2030 the "temporary" increases in the state personal income taxes via Proposition 55.

Road Repair

Supported increased funding by the City of Auburn to achieve the needs of the 20-year road overlay cycle.

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