Date: Monday, March 17th, 2025 Time: 5:17pm
Participation Waiver
In consideration of the permission by the Auburn Chamber of Commerce, its officers, agents or employees & sponsors (CHAMBER) to accept the below named participants in the class/activity listed above, organized by the CHAMBER, the undersigned hereby releases the CHAMBER from, and waives and relinquishes any claim, liability, cause of action, damages, or costs for personal injury or property damage arising as a result of participation in or receiving instructions from the CHAMBER regarding said activity. The undersigned acknowledges that he/she has been fully advised of the risks and potential dangers incidental to engaging in the activity for which this registration was submitted, and voluntarily and knowingly assumes the risks of engaging in the activity. NOTE: By signing this agreement, you are agreeing to relieve the CHAMBER of liability for personal injury, wrongful death or property damage except as may be caused by the active negligence of the CHAMBER. The CHAMBER staff reserves the right to photograph or videotape facilities, activities and program participants for potential future use. By signing this agreement, you are also agreeing to release any and all photo or video rights you may have. All photos and videos will remain the property of the CHAMBER. Photo/Video Waiver: I understand that the CHAMBER staff reserves the right to photograph and/or record facilities, activities and program participants for potential future use. I hereby grant permission to the CHAMBER to use my or my participant’s photograph and/or audio/video recording for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as print and online advertising. I understand that I will not be paid or receive anything related to the CHAMBER’s use of my/my participant’s photograph and/or recording. I understand that all photographs and recordings will remain the property of the CHAMBER and I acknowledge the CHAMBER’s right to alter or edit any photographs and/or recordings at its discretion. I agree to release the CHAMBER from any and all legal claims I or a third party may have arising from the use of my/my participant’s photograph and/or audio/video recording.
REQUIRED - I have also read the AUBURN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE General Rules & Guidelines document below:
Effective February 26th, 2025
(Please read the rules and guidelines carefully before signing the parade entry application)
THE AUBURN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE’S ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE celebrates St. Patrick's Day with a parade that provides entertainment, community spirit, and fun for all to enjoy.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS AND SELECTION: The parade is a “family friendly” celebration and parade participation must be appropriate to be seen by all ages. The parade will not be used as a platform for special interests in any way, shape or form. The rules and guidelines are for the safety & quality of the parade. Entry applications are subject to approval by parade organizers. All application decisions made by the parade organizers are final. Failure to abide by these rules and guidelines may result in the entry's removal from the parade & future parades.
ENTRY APPLICATION FORM: The entry application form must be completed and signed with the understanding of the general rules and guidelines. The parade organizers reserve the right to reject any entry at any time. Applicants will receive notification of their acceptance. Staging instructions will be emailed or mailed prior to the parade & will be available on the day of the parade at check in.
ANIMALS: Our insurance no longer covers any type of animals in our parades. In order to have an animal in the parade even if inside a car, you must have your own insurance for that animal with the Auburn Chamber of Commerce being named as additionally insured.
FORWARD MOTION PARADE: All entries are required to maintain a continuous forward motion during the parade. No stopping to perform anywhere along the parade route.
HANDOUTS, CANDY OR FAVORS: Handouts, packaged candy, and favors may not be thrown from the entry. Throwing any items from or along the parade route is a serious safety factor; one that has resulted in injuries in other parades. This will result in banning from future Auburn CHamber of Commerce Parades.
IDENTIFICATION SIGNS: Identification banners are encouraged for entries in the parade. Signs must be for identification purposes. Phone numbers, addresses, websites or other contact information on identification signs are allowed. Signs for special interest purposes are not permitted.
FLOATS: We recommend floats for this parade or decorated trailers. A description of the float design with size dimensions must be submitted with the parade application. Floats should not exceed 80 feet in length (including tow vehicle) or more than 14 feet in height and 10 feet wide.
VEHICLES: Vehicles considered for entry must be decorated. Vehicles such as oversized vans, tankers, farm machinery, tractor-trailers and other large vehicles are not encouraged due to liability and safety concerns. Vehicles permitted in the parade will be restricted in numbers (example - car clubs may be limited to 8-10 cars). No commercial or private vehicles are allowed in the parade without an approved application by the parade staff.
PARTICIPANT AGE RESTRICTIONS: There must be at least one adult escort for every six children under the age of 13 years. Young children riding on a float must have adult supervision on and around them at all times.
HAVE FUN: Auburn has a long history of celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with a parade. This event is a family friendly event & is for all to come & enjoy celebrating.
Official Entry Application must be signed.
Application sent to Auburn Chamber of Commerce no later than March 15.
All entry applications are subject to review approval by the parade organizers.
Entry may not include animals of any kind unless insurance is provided that cover Auburn Chamber of Commerce.
Absolutely no throwing of anything from your entry.